spreading of corona viras

spreading of corona viras

The coronavirus - known as COVID-19 - spreads from person to person in close proximity, similar to other respiratory illnesses, such as the flu.
Droplets of bodily fluids - such as saliva or mucus - from an infected person are dispersed in the air or on surfaces by coughing or sneezing.
These droplets can come into direct contact with other people or can infect those who pick them up by touching infected surfaces and then their face.
According to scientists, coughs and sneezes can travel several feet and stay suspended in the air for up to 10 minutes.
It is not yet known how long the virus can survive outside a host but, in other viruses, it ranges from a few hours to months.
Transmission is of particular concern on transport, where droplets containing the coronavirus could pass between passengers or via surfaces like aeroplane seats and armrests.
The incubation period of the coronavirus, the length of time before symptoms appear, is between one and 14 days.
Although not yet confirmed, Chinese health authorities believe the virus can be transmitted before symptoms appear.
This would have major implications for containment measures, according to Gerard Krause, head of the Department for Epidemiology at the Helmholtz Centre for Infection.
2019-20 Wuhan Coronavirus Outbreak Concept Stock Vector ...
"It's unusual for respiratory diseases transmissible even before the first symptoms have occurred," he told Al Jazeera.

"But the consequences is that if it happens then they have no public health means to sort out or to identify people at risk of transmitting, because they don't even know that they're ill yet."


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